Alternative Movie Poster
They're everywhere!
Oh man, the warm feeling of a family of Xenos coming to visit...
Aliens was a very different movie from Alien, albeit an equally scary one at moments. Once you realize your macho antics won't be enough to save you from the horde of slimy, toothy mofos coming through the vents, a very real sense of terror fills your pulse rifle-loving heart.
This is an alternate design for a poster for a movie filled with those moments. The horde is coming. But what's most scary is what's behind them. In this case, the Queen. Can you spot her? Well, if you can't, I don't know what to tell you. I wasn't precisely going for subtlety here, you know?
The idea here was to continue doing the same kind of thing that worked for the “Alien” AMP. A simple image when you look at it from afar, but once you start getting closer and looking at the details, there’s more meaning to be found. Playing with the idea of “the horde” seemed like a good idea, since that was one of the departures from the first movie. Here the enemy is legion, and not a single formidable beast as in “Alien”. Here they surround you, and when you watch them come closer on the screen of the motion detector, you have no idea that the biggest, most dangerous threat is still to come. The Queen will fuck you up, my friend.
This design was available as a small closed edition of glicées, but alas, it’s now gone. It was a real chore to print and handle, to be honest. I was not even able to emboss them, because the seal would damage the delicate, almost black background. It was worth it though, because if I do say so myself, they looked gorgeous once printed.