The Goonies
Alternative Movie Poster
“Hey any of you guys ever hear of Detroit?”
It’s really hard to come up with any kind of wise-ass introduction for a piece based on this movie, so I won’t even try. I mean, how can you be a cynic when talking about The Goonies? It’s one of the kindest, most honest and heartfelt movies ever! Which is why I was pretty scared when I decided to try and come up with an AMP for it.
To me, The Goonies is a story about coming of age. About going into the world and dealing with real shit, but trying to do it without losing the wide-eyed wonderment that we all had when we were kids. To find the treasures that matter with the tools you have, and to be always proud to be a part of something that only a group of like-minded people can give you.
So making a poster for it should be easy enough, right? :D. I was stumped for a while trying to imagine a visual representation of all that the movie means to me, until it hit me. Adventure is adjacent to movement and independence, and the one thing that makes you mobile and independent when you’re a kid is your bike. I imagine that’s why they’re so prominent in the movie. So I needed the poster to have bikes. Now I just needed a way to fit the one other element I really wanted to include: the map. Luckily it fell nicely in line with the whole concept of adventure and movement.
So, the entire thing is: bikes are tools for child-like adventures. Maps are tools for grown-up adventures. Joining the two of them by making the spokes in the bikes’ tires turn into the lines on the map, bridged the two worlds and completed the story within the poster: to go as children into the grown-up world and face the adventures you need to face without never losing your innocence.
Or something like that.